When Hearts are Trumps

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When Hearts are Trumps

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When Hearts are Trumps

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When Hearts are Trumps


The verse in this volume were selected from works that had appeared in various periodicals, LIFE, TRUTH, TOWN TOPICS, VOGUE, and MUNSEY'S MAGAZINE during the five years 1893-1898 and whose editors kindly gave Tom Hall permission to republish them. So popular was this collection of poetry, that it had at least six editions.

The contents of this volume are not related to the 1920 silent movie, of a similar name, neither is it related to the 1981 novel, also of a similar name. It is quite simply a collection of ninety-one enjoyable, short poems which relate to matters of the heart. Some are solemn and others more jovial in nature, and, with the exception of one or two, all are one page or less in length which makes for an easy and pleasant read.

The reader is asked to be aware that these poems were penned over one hundred years ago and the protocols for dating and courting in the 19th C. were va

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