CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS WHOLESALE EARLY BIRD SPECIAL - Two Childrens Stories from the Great Barrier Reef GIFT SET 39% OFF
A TALE OF TWO TURTLES and A WHALE'S TALE written and illustrated by Richard Marman
This book was especially republished to raise funds for these charities & many more...

33% of the publishers profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charities.

Set in the South Pacific Ocean on Australias Great Barrier Reef; follow the thrilling story of Wave, a young female green turtle, from her birth on a warm tropical night through her perilous adventures with boyfriend, Web. Together they face many natural and man-made hazards including sharks, storms and pollution.
Then explore South Pacific ocean life A little further when Wave and Web meet Davo, a juvenile humpback whale, who tells them of his first annual migrations and the dangers he and his kind face from whalers. Also read about those who try and prevent the whaling and the dangers they face.
Not only are these books educational, teaching young people about the full life cycle of turtles, whales and other aquatic life, but each page is beautifully illustrated with exquisite attention to detail and a text to delight and amuse children and adults alike.
10% of the net sale from the sale of two books will be donated to the Greenpeace.
..One day Wave spied a really juicy looking jellyfish
What a whopper!
Lunch she said to herself, licking her lips (make that beak).
She was about to take a great big chomp
I wouldnt do that if I were you a voice warned.
Another Turtle swam beside her. He looked about her age and was quite handsome in a turtley, knocked-about sort of way.
Would you like to share the jellyfish with me? she asked because she was a very considerate and friendly turtle.
No way, man, he replied. That aint no jellyfish, man, thats a plastic bag.
Wave just stared at him.
Excerpt from A WHALES TALE
Up here expectant mothers give birth to their calves, but we come to have a bit of fun and just hang out. We jump out of the water (its called breaching) and slap our tails that we call flukes.
It seems to attract boats full of little animals from all over the place. They make funny squealing noises and flashes go off when we come close. Theyre very amusing. It breaks up a boring trip.
However, Davo had failed to mention the one species that has no excuse to hunt whales and that is the human race.
A couple of centuries ago sailing ships used to scour the worlds oceans in search of whale pods. The sailors could be away for years. Back then whale oil was used for lamps, but now there are plenty of other fuels for people to use.
Apart from Inuit people in Alaska and Canada, who have traditionally hunted whales for food and warmth, only Japan, Norway and Iceland still persist in hunting. Japan claims theyre carrying out scientific research, but puleeease!, who believes that load of old rot?
Greenpeace volunteers often try to stop the whalers and sometimes manage to do it by sailing their boats between the harpoons and the whales.
Greenpeace members are always getting into trouble for protecting the whales, which is a bit weird. Why would, or should, anyone get into trouble for trying to protect our wonderful whales?
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