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Like so many projects, the birth of this book came from of a completely separate, yet similar, project and it soon took on a life of its own.
When searching for a suitable title that would best describe a compendium of Viking myths and legends compiled especially for storytellers (which this book is), it was no easy task choosing a single word that would encompass the rich and diverse anthology that is Viking folklore and myth.
Disappointingly (for me) the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian translations of the word compendium were returned as kompendium. However, the Finnish translation was returned as Tiivistelmä. And so Tiivistelmä it has become.
As such, I invite Storytellers to take their listeners on a journey back to a time when the boundaries between myth, legend and reality were as fluid and as permanent as waves washing on a sandy beach.
Listeners and readers, to really benefit, you are encouraged to engross yourself in the stories and let your imagination run wild. Close your eyes, think of Odin, Thor and Tolkien and let your mind walk through the Hallowed Halls of Valhalla. Let yourself be amazed and overawed at the magnificence and splendour of a time long passed.
Excerpt from Tiivistelmä
'Twas the Night Before Christmas
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Hall
Not a creature was stirring, not warrior nor thrall.
And I in my armour, my shield and my helm
Was drunker than anyone else in the Realm.
I staggered upstairs and fell into bed
While four quarts of mead were ablaze in my head.
Then up from below came the sounds of a brawl
So I grabbed up my axe and ran down to the Hall.
I missed the last step and crashed down in a heap
Thinking, "Why can't those low-lifes downstairs go to sleep!"
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But two brawny strangers, wielding mallet and spear.
I said to myself, "We'll soon have them beat!"
Then I noticed ten warriors laid out at their feet.
I gave out a yell and leapt into the fray...
I'll always regret my poor choice of that day.
For the one laid his hammer to the side of my nose
And up, up, up to the rafters I rose.
Then came a lone frightened voice from the floor,
"Those are no mortal warriors -- that's Odin and Thor!"
Then they looked at each other and they said, "Battle's done.
Now they know who we are, it no longer is fun."
Then Thor raised his hammer, and his elbow he bent,
And with a loud crash, through the ceiling they went.
I crawled through the Hall and flung open the door,
Not really sure that I'd seen them before.
The snow bathed in starlight, the moon like a glede,
I saw them ride off on an eight-legged steed.
And I heard them exclaim, 'ere they flew out of sight,
How it All Fits Together
The Nine Worlds
In Norse mythology there are 'nine worlds' (níu heimar), that many scholars summarise as follows:
* Ásgarðr, world of the Æsir.
* Vanaheimr, world of the Vanir.
* Miðgarðr, world of humans.
* Muspellheim, world of the primordial element of fire.
* Niflheimr, world of the primordial element of ice
* Svartálfaheim, world of the Svartálfar (black elves).
* Álfheimr, world of the Álfar (elves).
* Hel, underground world of the dead.
* Jötunheimr, world of the jötnar.
Each world also had significant places within. Valhalla is Odin's hall located in Asgaard. It was also home of the Einherjar, who were the souls of the greatest warriors. These warriors were selected by the Valkyries, Odin's mounted female messengers. The Einherjar would help defend the gods during Ragnarok. Niflhel is a hellish place in Hel, where oath breakers and other criminals suffer torments.
These worlds are connected by Yggdrasil, the world tree, a giant tree with Asgard at its top. Chewing at its roots in Niflheim is Nidhogg, a ferocious serpent or dragon. Asgard can also be reached by Bifrost, a rainbow bridge guarded by Heimdall, a god who can see and hear a thousand miles.
Table of Contents for Tiivistelmä
Introduction |
In the Beginning |
The All-Fathers Foreboding |
Asgårdsreien |
Baldurs Dream |
The Building of the Wall |
Darradarljod |
The Dwarves |
Fate |
Fenrir |
How Freya Gained Her Necklace |
Hail Day a prayer |
The Halls of Odin |
The Last Goths |
The Lay of Guthorms Army at Ethandun |
The Lay of Rogann |
A Prayer |
Ragnar Lodroks Death-Song |
Sifs Golden Hair |
Sigidrifas Prayer |
Svadi the Giant |
The Sword of the Tomb |
The Tale of Cat Bayun |
Thors Hammer Lost and Found |
Thryms Lay |
To the Gods |
Vellekla |
The Vision |
The Waking of Angantyr |
Twas the Night Before Christmas |
How it All Fits Together |
The Nine Worlds |
Supernatural Beings |
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