10% of the author's royalty from the sale of this book will be donated to the Wildlife Trusts.

It's January in Whimsy Wood and Posie Pixie's just made 2 new friends! Come and meet Violet Vole and her best friend Sonny Shrew (the coolest dude in Whimsy Wood!) in this enchanting tale of friendship and fun overcoming the elements!
"If you haven't read these adorable stories yet, you don't know what you're missing!"
Think of the best bits from Enid Blytons fantastical stories for very young children.
Chopsy-Baby, Bristols Online Parenting Magazine.
" I saw an alliteration and I learnt about that at school." - Grace Farrell aged 6½ yrs
"I really liked reading this book and finding out about Posie Pixie's next adventure. Thomas Antrobus aged 6 yrs.
10% of the net profit from the sale of this book will be donated to the Wildlife Trusts
Excerpt from POSIE PIXIE and the SNOWSTORM
" WHEEE ! " cried Posie Pixie with delight , as she slid down the slippery spout slide into her copper kettle house one icy January morning . " This is sooo much fun Wibble ! " she squealed happily and promptly landed in her kitchen with a BUMPETY-BUMP , skidding sideways and narrowly missing her woodlouse friend .
" Squeeeak - squeeeak , " replied Wibble Woodlouse rather half-heartedly from beside Posies stove , where she was curled up dozing . You see , Wibble much preferred to stay inside and keep warm . Sliding down a spout into your house , rather than using the perfectly good dock leaf front door , seemed rather daft and completely unnecessary to Wibble !
" Sonny Shrew and Violet Vole are coming over today , " Posie called excitedly as she slid down her spout slide for the umpteenth time . " Do you remember meeting them at Bromley Badgers brilliant New Years Eve party last week ? "
" Squeak , " replied Wibble nodding her head and yawning .
" Well , were going to go for a wonderful winter walk later . Sonny and Violet are always having amazing adventures in Whimsy Wood and theyre going to show me some really cool places that they know about . Would you like to come too ? " Posie asked and she tickled Wibble under her tiny woodlouse chin .
About the Author SARAH HILL
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