10% of the Authors profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charities.

By his fifteenth birthday, Danny McAlister in on the run. He has escaped from a draconian boarding school after seriously injuring the principal. His flight takes him through Northern Queensland to the New Guinea Highlands where he searches for his father, lost while fighting the Japanese on the Kokoda Track.
Thrown into an unforgiving adult world he grows up fast and becomes embroiled in union wars amongst cane cutters, joins the crew of prawn trawler in the Gulf of Carpentaria, gets mixed up with smugglers and New Guinea's burgeoning aviation industry.
He teams up with Mad Monty, an eccentric Afro-American pilot and Angela, the stunning teenage daughter of an English missionary.
They must endure a series of harrowing adventures as they journey through New Guinea's Central Highlands and the islands in the Bismarck Sea where they face their final challenge against vicious Filipino pirates and discover the final secret of Danny's missing father.
Excerpt from McALISTER'S WAY
Chapter 2 - Breakout
Danny hated St Ursicinus beyond any intensity he could have imagined. He hated the buildings, the work, the lessons, the food, Sister Gertrude, the brothers, but mostly he hated Monsignor Desmond Slaughter. Danny channelled his hatred into sheer determination. He would not let them break him, but knew that to resist on their terms was suicide. He kept his head down, avoided eye contact, studied hard and bore continuous minor punishments thus avoiding major ones. Luckily he was a bright lad and quick at maths, English, science, history and geography. Without a doubt geography was his favourite subject, mostly because he could imagine being in foreign places far, far away from St Ursicinus. He developed ways of looking busy and even tried sucking up, but found that impossible. So he strove to simply stay neutral...beige...invisible.
Well this brings my choices down to one, Danny thought and bolted from the chapel. He reached the door just as Sister Gertrude entered. He had no idea why she was up so late. Perhaps shed heard the noise theyd made.
Without thinking, he rugby-tackled her and they crashed against the sandstone wall. She was out cold and Danny didnt stop to see if the shed had suffered serious damage. What did he care? He leapt over her body and dashed along the cloisters to Monsignor Desmonds car. The top was down so Danny didnt waste time opening the door. He jumped straight into drivers seat and slumped behind the steering wheel. The key was in the dash; Desmond obviously thought there was no need to remove it. Danny flicked it from lock to on and planted his foot on the accelerator.
Boom! The car burst into life in a blast of blue smoke and petrol-filled flatulence. Danny crunched the gear lever into first and jolted away. He revved the motor to a roar that filled the quad, shifted into second and charged the gates. They crashed apart as the Buick barged through and wrought-iron ripped across the grill and bonnet. The car dragged the wrecked gates for half a mile before they clattered aside and Danny sped away from St Ursicinus. He was laughing uncontrollably with relief and satisfaction.
Table of Contents for McALISTER'S WAY
Prologue - Grandpa Danny |
Part One - Far North Queensland 1950 |
Chapter 1 Capture |
Chapter 2 Breakout |
Chapter 3 Northern Rattler |
Chapter 4 Lenny, Noemi & Gladys |
Chapter 5 Lady Burdekin |
Chapter 6 Cobars War |
Chapter 7 Gooney Bird Trail |
Chapter 8 Cyclone Season |
Part Two Beyond the Coral Sea |
Chapter 9 Castaway |
Chapter 10 Shark Spirit |
Chapter11 Angela |
Chapter 12 Cannibal Run |
Chapter 13 Trouble in Paradise |
Chapter 14 Showground Showdown |
Chapter 15 Montys Blues |
Chapter 16 Pariah Island |
Chapter 17 Tremor |
Part Three Archipelago Incident |
Chapter 18 Return to Death Island |
Chapter 19 Banzai! |
Chapter 20 Frenchy and the Filipinos |
Chapter 21 Desperate Dan |
Chapter 22 Miss Attitude |
Chapter 23 Battle Plan |
Chapter 24 Night Stalkers |
Chapter 25 Dragons Lair |
Epilogue - Merimbula, Southern New South Wales |
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