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Only months after escaping from Frenchy Duvals band of cut throat pirates (McAlisters Way), Danny McAlister and Angela Holyman are once again thrown into a thrilling, helter-skelter adventure in their tropical, South-Sea paradise.
Following only the flimsiest clues they embark on a perilous treasure hunt in a desperate struggle against old enemies in order to save the lives of new friends.
Waiting for the sequel
McAlisters Spark is a fast paced, action riddled, amazing read you will struggle to put down
A great action read for teenagers and great graphicsa great literary effort.
The plane floated gently to a stop by Daiman Ailans jetty that had been recently renovated after being virtually destroyed by a tsunami. Fr Kennedy and Sr Celeste waited on the pier. Danny clambered ashore and secured the plane to a mooring post as Monty cut the motor.
That was interesting, the pilot observed urbanely.
Danny, youre such an idiot! Angela wailed as she jumped onto the jetty. If only youd kept your mouth shut. You could have been killed! We could have all been killed!
Would you miss me if I had been killed? he asked, grinning sheepishly.
Dont be silly.
Is that, Dont be silly, of course I would, or ...
Oh, youre impossible.
Hello, Danny, Fr Kennedy greeted, extending his hand. I see you and Angela are getting along just about as well as last time you visited us.
Good to see you again, Father, Danny shook his hand vigorously before hugging Sr Celeste. As a nun she wasnt used to much physical contact, but didnt object to being embraced by a handsome young man.
Hows your cheek, Danny? she asked examining the scar down his left cheek. It was a wound from a Japanese Showato-Katana sword inflicted by a marooned Japanese soldier whod been hiding out at Daiman and Nogat Nem Ailans. The soldier turned out to be General Horii who was killed saving Angelas life against Filipino pirates led by a Foreign Legion deserter called Frenchy Duval. Horii now lay in a secret grave on Nogat Nem Ailan.
Its healed nicely, she said. Makes you look quite swashbuckling.
Thanks to you, Danny replied. Sr Celeste had stitched the wound for Danny.
Just then Sr Gertrude stepped from the plane followed by Dr Holyman who still brandished Angelas laundry pole now doubling as a truncheon. The doctor greeted Fr Kennedy and Sr Celeste warmly. They were old friends and colleagues who worked tirelessly to help the unfortunate residents of Daiman Ailan.
This is Sr Gertrude. I believe she is to be your new assistant, Dr Holyman announced.
Welcome, Sister, Fr Kennedy greeted warmly even though he knew of her reputation. How shed settle to her new position was anyones guess, but a leper colony was a great leveller. Sr Gertrude merely stared at the cleric who was to be her boss. Fr Kennedy thought she was obviously in shock after her ordeal, but Gertrude was probably just biding her time until she stirred up more mischief.
And that was when everyone realised that Mons Slaughter was missing. Fr Kennedy and Sr Celeste had seen Montys antics, but were unsure whether he was just showing off. Theyd been too far away to notice Desmond fall from the plane and splash into the sea.
Finally Gertrude came to her senses.
Isnt anyone going to look for him? she cried, looking genuinely distressed at the Monsignors demise.
I supposed wed better go, Monty said with a shrug.
Why bother? Danny retorted. He got what was coming to him. His nose was bleeding so that should attract every shark and barracuda for miles. Good riddance.
Danny! Angela snapped while the others stared sternly.
All right, Danny sighed. Whos coming?
The islanders owned a clinker-hulled open boat, powered by a 5 hp Evinrude outboard motor. It was a gift from the people of Kagotaun who felt a bit guilty about not immediately coming to help Daiman Ailan after the tidal wave struck. Fr Kennedy and Sr Celeste were such forgiving types and accepted the boat graciously. It had proved very handy and was often taken on fishing trips. A couple of native proa outriggers were also drawn up on the shore and Danny suggested he take Angela on one while Monty used the motor-boat.
The proas crab-claw sail was tricky to handle until you got the hang of it. Danny had been taught to sail proas by Long Li, a Chinese refugee whod settled on Kago Ailan. Hed played an important role in rescuing Angela from Frenchy Duval and his thugs. Actually Danny liked the idea of taking Angela for a trip and showing off his sailing skill. He was indifferent to the fact that they had a macabre task to perform. Danny would never forgive Mons Slaughter for the beatings and abuse he endured at St Ursicinus School.
Fr Kennedy manned the other proa and the three vessels scoured the lagoon and beyond the reef surrounding Daiman Ailan. In the confusion on board Montys plane no one was sure where the Mons had actually fallen out. Doctor Holyman accompanied Sr Celeste to the main hospital building to help where he could while the three vessels cast off and headed for sea. Everyone ignored Gertrude while she waited sullenly on the jetty.
Angela sat in the prow looking as lovely as ever. Shed sensibly put on a wide-brimmed straw hat, but her dress was not the most practical item of clothing for sailing. It blew about exposing a pair of shapely legs that Danny was to later compare with the glamorous actress-dancer, Cyd Charisse, whod recovered remarkably from polio to have her legs insured by MGM Studios for a million dollars. He spent more time admiring Angela than actually searching for Desmond Slaughter, but good old Ange was taking her duty seriously and intently scouring the ocean. Eventually her vigilance was rewarded.
Look, Danny, she cried. In the water just ahead.
Sure enough they came alongside a bundle of material bobbing gently on the surface. Angela used her white laundry pole to haul the clothing aboard. Because of its weight, she nearly lost the lot and almost fell overboard, but finally managed to wrestle the sodden load over the proas gunwales.
Its Desmonds cassock! she declared, but there was no sign of the Mons anywhere.
Looks like sharks got him then, Danny said with more satisfaction than necessary in Angelas opinion.
Theres no sign of blood, Angela observed with her clinical expertise.
No, itd be washed away by now, Danny replied.
Table of Contents for MCALISTER'S HOARD
Prologue Merimbula New South Wales |
Part One The Challenge |
Chapter 1 Angelas Return |
Chapter 2 Fight and Flight |
Chapter 3 The Daiman Ailan Mystery |
Chapter 4 Surprise Discovery |
Chapter 5 The One That Got Away |
Chapter 6 Nogat Nem Ailan Recon |
Chapter 7 Into the Lions Mouth |
Chapter 8 Hunters and Prey |
Chapter 9 Rain Forest Trail |
Part Two The Hoard |
Chapter 10 Sea Trials |
Chapter 11 Overboard! |
Chapter 12 Hostage Situation |
Chapter 13 Long Lis Secret |
Chapter 14 -- The Hoard is Born |
Chapter 15 Discoveries |
Chapter 16 Frenchys Vengeance |
Chapter 17 X Marks the Spot |
Chapter 18 Cold Case |
Part Three Treasure & Treachery |
Chapter 19 Wallys War |
Chapter 20 -- A Secret Revealed |
Chapter 21 The Wreck |
Chapter 22 -- A Treasure Revealed |
Chapter 23 Officers Call |
Chapter 24 Hell Island |
Chapter 25 Island Shakedown |
Chapter 26 Mayhem in Paradise |
Chapter 27 The Last Slaughter |
Chapter 28 Aftermath |
Epilogue Merimbula, Southern New South Wales |
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