VINLAND, Claudia and Cabo de la Arenas have been but a few of the previous names given to Cape Cod. As far back as 985AD the Cape had been visited by the likes of Leif Eiriksson, although this is disputed, then Giovanni da Verrazzano (1524AD), Estêvão Gomes (1525AD), Samuel de Champlain (1606AD), Bartholomew Gosnold (1602AD), Henry Hudson (1609AD) and Captain John Smith (1614AD). It was Gosnold who had the honor and privilege of being the final arbiter of the Capes name in 1602AD.

With such a long history it is therefore not surprising that much has been written and said about Cape Cod. Herein readers will find 23 such stories, collected from various sources, with origins in Marthas Vineyard, Nantucket, Cape Cod and Block Island. Stories like THE HEADLESS SKELETON OF SWAMPTOWN, THE CROW AND CAT OF HOPKINSHILL, THE OLD STONE MILL, THE WINDAM FROGS, MOODUS NOISES and many more. Appropriately, the book is commenced with a facsimile of THE MAYFLOWER COMPACT and ends with THE STORY OF KING PHILIP, Grand Sachem and Chief of the Wampanoag Tribe.

MARTHA'S VINEYARD, called "Noepe" by the Native Americans, which in their picturesque language means "In the Midst of the Sea," is the largest island on the south-eastern coast of Massachusetts. However, there are those who correctly point out that there is no such place as Martha's Vineyard, except in geography and common speech. That its correct name is Martin Wyngaard's Island, so was named by Skipper Block, an Albany Dutchman. Sea fog is not uncommon in the area. When a fog started rising the Native Americans would say, "Here comes old Maushope's smoke"but you will have to read the book to find out just why they say this.