LEARNING WITH GOD - Book 3 in the With God series
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The third in a trilogy of with God books, this book seeks to bring together the apparent angry God of the Old Testament with the God who is Love of the New Testament. Over many chapters covering many different topics it suggests ways for you and me, the ordinary Christians, to live out our Christian calling to be holy as our Father in heaven is Holy, by filling our daily lives with the Presence of Jesus, by trying to make it our aim to act and re-act as He would in all our daily situations.
Whilst insisting on total obedience to God, at the same time the book claims that His love is unconditional. Everything is written in the hope that by spending quiet times with God we will eventually become aware of His constant Presence with us and let that knowledge rule in our lives.
TERRY was a practising lawyer for 25 years before answering a call into the ordained ministry in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa. As a Priest he spent time as a Prison Chaplain as well as a Hospital Chaplain before being appointed to parish ministry.
He is now retired from full-time ministry, lives in New Zealand and spends his spare time writing novels. This is Terrys fourth religious book and he hopes to write at least a few more.
Excerpt from LEARNING WITH GOD - Book 3 in the With God series
Psalm 101 is to me a recipe for Truth in Prayer, and as this is the only type of prayer that is acceptable to God, Id like to take a brief look at this Psalm before we delve deeper into just what the truth is. As we look at this Psalm we will see that the concept of Biblical Truth is very much about the character of Christ, after all He is the only One who could have the audacity to claim that He is, the way, the truth and the life (Jn. 14: 6).
So then what are these concepts of Jesus truth that we find in this Psalm? I wont quote the whole Psalm here but I really do commend this Psalm to you to meditate on so please read it now before we get started and then read it often. The bits I want to underline for now are as follows:
In verse 2, running into verse 3, we see I will live a pure lifeand will never tolerate evil. Im sure that we are all pretty definite about not tolerating evil, not just in ourselves but in everything and everybody around us, but how many of us can honestly couple this not tolerating evil with a claim that we live a pure life.
That word pure is a very strong word and brings to mind even more than the need to simply claim to live a good life. Living a good life is vital but living a pure life demands no grey areas and as such leaves very little wriggle room. Jesus warned that nothing will be hidden and that all will be revealed (Mt. 10: 26 & 27) so if we cant hide the darker sides of our lifestyles from Him, surely we must strive to live a life in which there is no darkness (1Jn. 1: 5) so that we can indeed live with God?
Then in verses 4 and 7 of the Psalm we read:
I will not be dishonest
No liar will live in my palace
No hypocrite will remain in my presence.
We tend to see as a hypocrite someone who tries to live a lie but the Bible sees more than only this. The hypocrite is seen as anyone who fails to live up to Biblical demands and standards and who tries to convince him/herself that this conduct is alright because the Bible, the Word of God, couldnt possibly mean that that particular thing he/she does is in fact against Biblical teachings.
We are hypocrites if we try to hide behind expressions such as public opinion, freedom of choice, bill of rights, and constitutional rights and the like so that we can carry on ignoring Bible principals. We know instinctively something is wrong with such outside pressures but wont admit it (Ps. 16: 7b). We would rather suggest that the Bible got it wrong or the interpretation of the Bible is wrong, rather than buck public opinion and end up being the odd-man out. What this in effect means is that we are actually accusing God of getting it wrong.
Moving on, we see from verse 8b of this Psalm 101 that, I will expel all who are evil from the city of the Lord and this is, of course where the New Testament, in Revelation 21: 21, confirms this imperative where we read that Nothing that is IMPURE will enter the city, nor anyone who does shameful things or tells lies Again here we see the need for purity in our lives.
As I said previously, God already knows our deepest thoughts (see Psalm 139) so why try to hide them from Him, even if they repulse us. Instead why not simply be truthful with Him in our prayers and let Him deal with us as He finds us?
Table of Contents for LEARNING WITH GOD - Book 3 in the With God series
Chapter 1 LEARNING |
Chapter 2 LOOKING |
Chapter 3 PRACTICAL |
Chapter 4 LIFE |
Chapter 5 PRAYER |
Chapter 6 TRUTH |
Chapter 7 CREATION |
Chapter 8 SPIRIT |
Chapter 9 HABIT |
Chapter 10 WORK |
Chapter 11 SELF |
Chapter 12 EVERYDAY |
Chapter 13 OBEDIENCE |
Chapter 14 PEACE |
Chapter 15 LOVE |
Chapter 16 MORALS |
Chapter 17 SURRENDER |
Chapter 18 PERSEVERE |
Chapter 19 BEING |
Chapter 20 HOLY |
Chapter 21 PERSECUTION |
Chapter 22 FINALLY |
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