WE are all pilgrims on the narrow road to salvation and WANDERINGS WITH GOD, the first book in the series, was written in the belief that it will offer my fellow pilgrims hope and direction in their walk with God. In it I share some of my experiences as I wandered with God, both the nice and the not so nice, as I share my love of nature and how it helps me to get closer to God. Ive always been fascinated by spirituality and write, for example, of my own struggles to obey the Bibles imperative to pray continuously. I also address such subjects as becoming aware of the continuous Presence of God with us in our daily lives. I try to address the difficulties of being obedient to the Law of God but also to share the value and benefits of always trying to find Gods will for my life.

Although there is a lot of advice in COFFEE WITH GOD, the 2nd book in the series. This book is about how to do your quiet time with God. It definitely is NOT a sort of DIY work on meditation or prayer. It was written in the hope that it would be a help in not only developing our own prayer life, but also of becoming aware that God is with us all the time, not just during our Prayers, or our Coffee with God.

LEARNING WITH GOD the third book in the trilogy of Journeys With God series, seeks to bring together the apparent angry God of the Old Testament with the God who is Love of the New Testament. Over many chapters covering many different topics it suggests ways for you and me, the ordinary Christians, to live out our Christian calling to be holy as our Father in heaven is Holy, by filling our daily lives with the Presence of Jesus, by trying to make it our aim to act and re-act as He would in all our daily situations. Whilst insisting on total obedience to God, at the same time the book claims that His love is unconditional. Everything is written in the hope that by spending quiet times with God we will eventually become aware of His constant Presence with us and let that knowledge rule in our lives.

I hope you will also enjoy my FREE EBOOK - GOD CALLS (see extra image) and will get benefits from it. How would you know if or when God called you to serve Him full time? Would you dismiss His call as you would an annoying insect or would you sit up and listen? After all He has your name and number and He has a plan for your life and He wouldnt be calling you for nothing........

Terry Hayward