A GREAT READ FOR KIDS and for use around campfires!

Herein you will find seventeen stories of adventure and legend from Vancouver Island, or the land known as Wakash Nation. Stories like The Legend Of The Thunder Birds, How Shewish Became A Great Whale Hunter, The Finding Of The Tsomass and of course The Legends of Eut-Le-Ten, Vancouver Islands own Maui.

Here you will read stories of the lone Indian paddling his canoe on the waters of the Western sounds, savouring the scent of cedar hidden amongst the Toh-a-mupt, or Sitca, spruce, with its scaly bark and prickly spine; the feathery foliage of the Quilth-kla-mupt, the western hemlock. The frond-like branches and aromatic scent betray to him the much-prized Hohm-ess, the giant cedar tree, from which he carves his staunch canoe.

These are the woods in which Eut-Le-Ten roamed and hunted and dreamed of winning the hand of Nas-nas-shups daughter who res