Gypsy Folk Tales Book One eBook- Illustrated Edition
This book was especially republished to raise funds for these charities & many more...

33% of the publishers profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charities.

IThis first volume contains stories, tales and legends from Turkey, Romania and Bukowina (Bukovina) an historical region now split between Ukraine and Romania and not to be confused with Bukowina, Poland. In this volume you will find stories of the Vampire, the Two Thieves, the Gypsy and the Priest, the Enchanted City and many more.
This book is a treasure chest of classic Gypsy Folklore, and makes fascinating reading for those interested in folklore in general, but especially for those interested in the Roma people. Francis Hindes Groome collated and prepared this collection, making only few changes and remaining true to the original stories, so to let the written story enchant us as if it were being presented in the vernacular.
In his various other works, Groome raises the point that Europe possibly owes a great deal of its folklore heritage to Gypsies, who brought tales from East to West. If this is the case, then even the most rooted of Europeans must attribute a portion of their culture to the Gypsy lifestyle. Simply stated, these stories are their stories, but in an earlier form.
So take some time out and curl up with this book. Be swept back in time to another place, where the carefree lifestyle of the Gypsy rules and the burdens of today are forgotten - albeit temporarily.
In buying this book you will have donated to the relief of the underprivileged people of Romania through the Relief Fund for Romania.
Excerpt from Gypsy Folk Tales Book One - Illustrated Edition
No. 6.--God's Godson
Once upon a time, There was a queen. From youth to old age that queen never bore but one son. That son was a hero. So soon as he was born, he said to his father, 'Father, have you no sword or club?'
'No, my child, but I will order one to be made for you.'
The son said, 'Don't order one, father: I will go just as I am.'
So the son took and departed, and journeyed a long while, and took no heed, till he came into a great forest. So in that forest he stretched himself beneath a tree to rest a bit, for he was weary. And he sat there a while. Then the holy God and St. Peter came on the lad; and he was unbaptized. So the holy God asked him, 'Where are you going, my lad?'
'I am going in quest of heroic achievements, old fellow.'
Then the holy God thought and thought, and made a church. And he caused sleep to fall on that lad, and bade St. Peter lift him, and went with him to the church, and gave him the name Handak. And the holy God said to him, 'Godson, a hero like you there shall never be any other; and do you take my god-daughter.'
For there was a maiden equally heroic, and equally baptized by God. And she was his god-daughter, and he told his godson to take her. And he gave him a wand of good fortune and a sword. And he endowed him with strength, and set him down. And his godfather departed to heaven, like the holy God that he was.
And Handak perceived that God had endowed him with strength, and he set out in quest of heroic achievements, and journeyed a long while, and took no heed. So he came into a great forest. And there was a dragon three hundred years old. And his eyelashes reached down to the ground, and likewise his hair. And the lad went to him and said, 'All hail.'
'You are welcome.'
Soon as that hero [the dragon] heard his voice, he knew that it was God's godson.
And the lad, Handak, asked him, 'Does God's god-daughter dwell far hence?'
'She dwells not far; it is but a three days' journey.'
And the lad took and departed, and journeyed three days until he came to the maiden's. Soon as the maiden saw him, she recognised him for her godfather's godson. And she let him into her house, and served up food to him, and ate with him and asked him, 'What seek you here, Handak?'
He said, 'I have come on purpose to marry you.'
'With whom?'
'With myself an you will.'
She said, 'I will not have it so without a fight.'
And the lad said, 'Come let us fight.'
And they fell to fighting, and fought three days; and the lad vanquished her. And he took her, and went to their godfather. And he crowned them and made a marriage. And they became rulers over all lands. And I came away, and told the story.
Table of Contents for Gypsy Folk Tales Book One - Illustrated Edition
Distribution of Gypsies. |
Story-Telling a living Gypsy art. |
Theory |
No. 1.--The Dead Man's Gratitude |
No. 2.--Baldpate |
No. 3.--The Riddle |
No. 4.--Story of the Bridge |
No. 5.--The Vampire |
No. 6.--God's Godson |
No. 7.--The Snake who became the King's Son-in-law |
No. 8.--The Bad Mother |
No. 9.--The Mother's Chastisement |
No. 10.--The Three Princesses and the Unclean Spirit |
No. 11.--The Two Thieves |
No. 12.--The Gypsy and the Priest |
No. 13.--The Watchmaker |
No. 14.--The Red King and the Witch |
No. 15.--The Prince and the Wizard |
No. 16.--The Apples of Pregnancy |
No. 17.--It all comes to Light |
No. 18.--The Golden Children |
No. 19.--The Two Children |
No. 20.--Mare's Son |
No. 21.--The Deluded Dragon |
No. 22.--The Gypsy and the Dragon |
No. 23.--The Seer |
No. 24.--The Prince, his Comrade, and Nastasa the Fair |
No. 25.--The Hen that laid Diamonds |
No. 26.--The Winged Hero |
No. 27.--Tropsyn |
No. 28.--The Beautiful Mountain |
No. 29.--Pretty-face |
No. 3.--The Rich and the Poor Brother |
No. 31--The Three Brothers |
No. 32.--The Enchanted City |
No. 33.--The Jealous Husband |
No. 34.--Made over to the Devil |
No. 35.--The Lying Story |
No. 36.--Happy Bozll |
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