Folklore and Legends of the North American Indian
This book was especially republished to raise funds for these charities & many more...

33% of the publishers profit from the sale of this book will be donated to charities.

In 1891, the first buffalo was purchased for Golden Gate Park, Congress created the U.S. Courts of Appeals, the first woman was admitted to Yale University, American Express issued the first Travellers Checks, Thomas Edison patented the motion picture camera, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow published The Song of Hiawatha. It was also the year that Folk Lore and Legends of the North American Indianwas first published by J.B. Lippincott.
Folk Lore and Legends of the North American Indian is an exquisite compilation of North American Indian myths and legends as they existed in the late 1880s and early 1890s. These are the stories that were passed from mouth to mouth, teaching stories to help young Native Americans navigate through the uncertain journey of life that lay ahead. J.B. Lippincott gathered the stories from letters transported to him via the recently completed Transcontinental Pacific Railroad. These stories should not become just another page in the ever-increasing forest of the internet; they should not be accessible only with the use of electronic devices.
All Americans are invited, especially Native Americans, to keep a copy of this sliver of their history in their bookshelves for their children and their childrens children to read and treasure for years to come.
This book has been especially republished to raise funds for the American Indian Education Fund, benefitting the education of Native Americans across the United States of America.
Excerpt from Folklore and Legends of the North American Indian
Give me Leelinau for my wife,and the old man consented.
Now it happened that the girl did not like her lover, so she escaped from the lodge and went and hid herself, and as the sun was setting she came to the pine-trees, and leaning against one of them she lamented her hard fate.
On a sudden she heard a voice, which seemed to come from the tree, saying
Be my wife, maiden, beautiful Leelinau, beautiful Leelinau.
The girl was astonished, not knowing whence the voice could have come. She listened again, and the words were repeated, evidently by the tree against which she leaned. Then the maid consented to be the wife of the pine-tree.
Meanwhile her parents had missed her, and had sent out parties to see if she could be found, but she was nowhere.
Time passed on, but Leelinau never returned to her home. Hunters who have been crossing the mountain, and have come to the trees at sunset, say that they have seen a beautiful girl there in company with a handsome youth, who vanished as they approached.Table of Contents for Folklore and Legends of the North American Indian
Moowis |
The Girl who Married the Pine-tree |
A Legend of Manabozho |
Pauppukkeewis |
The Discovery of the Upper World |
The Boy who Snared the Sun |
The Maid in the Box |
The Spirits and the Lovers |
The Wonderful Rod |
The Funeral Fire |
The Legend of O-na-wut-a-qut-o |
Manabozho in the Fish s Stomach |
The Sun and the Moon |
The Snail and the Beaver |
The Strange Guests |
Manabozho and his Toe |
The Girl who Became a Bird |
The Undying Head |
The Old Chippeway |
Mukumik! Mukumik! Mukumik! |
The Swing by the Lake |
The Fire Plume |
The Journey to the Island of Souls |
Machinitou, the Evil Spirit |
The Woman of Stone |
The Maiden who Loved a Fish |
The Lone Lightning |
Aggo-dah-gauda |
Piqua |
The Evil Maker |
Manabozho the Wolf |
The Man-fish |
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