Escape from Fort McCain ebook

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Escape from Fort McCain ebook

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Escape from Fort McCain ebook

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Escape from Fort McCain

Set against the panoramic backdrop of New Mexico, Sonora, Arizona and California in 1867, Jubal Quinn is desperate. He's a black trooper in the newly formed 10th Cavalry and has been accused of murdering a white man. Behind bars and due to hang his only chance is to escape from Fort McCain's stockade with the help of Billy Songboy, a wayward half-breed Kiowa teenager.

Hot on their heels is Lieutenant Otis Grey, a man whose devotion to duty has turned to obsession. Blasting a trail of blood through the Southwest, not even the love of a beautiful Mexican girl can deter Otis Grey. The chase can only end when either he or Jubal Quinn is dead.

Excerpt from Escape from Fort McCain

"...Jubal raced to where the remuda was tied. He leapt bareback astride the nearest horse and pulled its halter free. He dragged its head around and dug his heels into its flanks and the horse jumped away. Bareback riding takes some getting used to and Jubal had never enjoyed it during training when he first joined the cavalry. The horses spine was rock hard on Jubals most tender spots as he jolted along at a fast canter.

He sped past the outlaws towards the approaching column. Claude realised what Jubal was about and aimed his pistols at his back. He fired, but hitting a man swerving on a galloping horse was chancy and the bullets whistled past. A couple of the other outlaws shot a few rounds, but they went wide as well and Claude called a cease-fire. He cursed as the aspect of surprise was now gone.

Otis Grey heard the shots just before he spotted Jubal heading their way, but at that stage didnt recognise him. He also misunderstood where the shots were from and their intended target. He thought the patrol was being fired on even though they were still well beyond accurate pistol range.

The cheeky bugger, he thought. Well, if its a fight he wants, hell get one and be damned sorry about it.

Column will form in line on the centre! he bellowed. Draw side arms!

In a fluid movement the two lines of cavalrymen trotted their horses to the left and right and formed a line with Otis and Sergeant Henry Cook in the centre, their revolvers at the ready.

Column will advance at the trot! Otis called. Advance!

And the twenty riders moved forward to battle.

Not that they expected much trouble, in their minds they were only going to round up a single miscreant, but things didnt turn out that way.

Jubal saw the cavalrys actions and knew he had to stop them as far from the village as he could. They would soon be within decent range of the gang. He nearly fell of his horse as he drew his pistol, managed to cock it and fire into the air. Meanwhile Claude grabbed a Spencer repeating rifle and fired after Jubal. One shot grazed his mounts flank, it reared tossing Jubal off its back. Luckily he held onto the reins and after being dragged for a few paces the horse pulled up, whining from the pain in its rump. Jubal was losing control, but he holstered his gun and hung onto the reins with both hands."

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