A VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS 32 Victorian Christmas Childrens Poems and Stories
16 Victorian Christmas Childrens Poems and 16 Victorian Christmas Childrens Stories

ISBN: 9781910882832
Herein are 32 Victorian Christmas poems and stories for children. The 16 stories are drawn from that bountiful library of French, Spanish and English authors - stories like:
There are even three relatively unknown Christmas stories from the pen of the master storyteller of Christmas tales - Charles Dickens.
The 16 Christmas poems are an extract from THE BELLS OF CHRISTMAS by various poets collated by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora Archibald Smith originally published in 1906 with poems like Let the Holly Be Hung by Frank Dempster Sherman, The Adoration of the Wise Men by Cecil Frances Alexander and The Christmas Silence by Margaret Deland.
So download and read this volume of festive goodwill which brings out the real meaning of Christmas. While the download is in progress, make yourself a hot toddy, then find a comfy chair and settle down on a cold winters and have the cockles of your heart warmed by the tender and affectionate stories and poems in this volume. You may even find yourself rallying the children around and reading out a story in front of a roaring log fire much in the same way the Victorians did all those years ago.
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